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Geopolitics MOOC accredited by EFMD




Grenoble Ecole de Management’s Geopolitics MOOC, which is running a third successful edition, has been accredited by EFMD with the EOCCS stamp, the EFMD Online Course Certification System, a first in a kind accreditation of online offerings.

Grenoble Ecole de Management’s Geopolitics MOOC, which is running a third successful edition, has been accredited by EFMD with the EOCCS stamp, the EFMD Online Course Certification System.

EOCCS has been launched in 2016 and is designed to evaluate the quality of online business and/or management-related courses that either stand-alone or constitute part of a certificate or programme.

This first in a kind accreditation of online offerings is designed to evaluate online courses in the context of rapidly evolving technologies within the framework of:

  • Institutional Context
  • Course Composition
  • Course Delivery and Operations
  • Quality Assurance Processes

About the Geopolitics MOOC

Those enrolled on this course follow 6 modules, consisting of course videos, resources such as articles, reading material, etc., a weekly quiz and "essay" style homework with peer review or discussion.

Each module will pose the following question: Does this topic provide threats or is it a source of innovative forms of collaboration?

Among the six topics tackled: six major current geopolitical issues; preface to a new world; the major challenges of tomorrow and the appropriate responses; democratization and liberalization; isolationism or openness towards others.

Students will review advances in research on geopolitics, global studies and world affairs. They will be guided to "think globally" through the perspective provided by Asian, African, Arab and Latin American researchers; Japanese and Indian intellectuals; Confucian and Muslim thinkers.

They will analyze the weight of the natural environment on individual and collective choices, and consider the influence of the past on the decisions of today.

At the end of the MOOC, participants will know how to: reject explanations that are too simple, avoid mistakes and clumsiness in a discussion, predict how a situation will unfold, justify a decision, anticipate the consequences of an action and be comfortable when negotiating.

They will know how to think for themselves!

Grenoble Ecole de Management is one of the first institutions in the world to receive the EOCCS accreditation.

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