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Guillaume Semène, PGE 2016, Marketing and Communications Director for BNP Paribas in Canada




Guillaume Semène, graduate of Grenoble Ecole de Management, was appointed Marketing and Communications Director for BNP Paribas in Canada in March 2025.  

After starting his career in human resources at Wavestone, Guillaume joined BNP Paribas in 2015 in the tennis sponsorship and events teams. 

In 2017, he joined the bank's communications teams in Canada on a VIE, before returning to France at the end of 2018, working in the investment bank's communications teams. There, he held strategic positions in events and engagement. In 2025, he was appointed Head of Marketing & Communications for BNP Paribas in Canada.

Highly involved in diversity and inclusion issues, he founded BNP Paribas PRIDE in Canada in 2017, before assuming global coordination from 2018 to 2024, and joining the CIB EMEA D&I Council. He is also a 2022 laureate of Institut Aspen France's Young Leaders Engagés class.

A sports enthusiast, he hosts a radio program on Vivre FM dedicated to inclusion through sport.

"The main mission of my position in Canada is to strengthen and develop the presence of the BNP Paribas brand in Canada."

Guillaume was featured in GEM Alumni Mag #10  (Winter 2020) Inclusion and diversity.

About BNP Paribas

Groupe BNP Paribas is the result of successive mergers of several banks, created at the height of the industrial boom in the early 19th century. From the outset, the mission of these establishments has been to finance the economy and serve their customers throughout the world.


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