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HUMAN RESSOURCES : " What you don't know about Coaching !"




Dima Louis, GEM DBA 2015 and Assistant Professor in leadership, coaching, personal development and organizational behavior at Grenoble Ecole de Management, will share her research with you during the GEM Alumni Convention 2019

* This conference will only be presented in English.

Coaching in organizations has grown so fast in the past years, quickly becoming a multi-billion euro industry. Today, in companies, coaching makes big promises both at the individual and at the organizational level.

For individuals, coaching often addresses a need for development and self-actualization and it promises the achievement of professional and personal development goals.

At the organizational level, it addresses a need for continuous growth and it promises improved business effectiveness and enhanced organizational performance.

This positive and attractive discourse overlooks the underlying complexity of this practice. In this session, Dima Louis will shed a light on some of the hidden aspects of this practice and on some of the complex situations within the triangular coaching relationship between coach, coachee, and organization. She will also present you some of the ways that could help to avoid some of the pitfalls related to the use of coaching in organizations. 


Dima Louis
GEM DBA 2015, Assistant Professor in leadership, coaching, personal development and organizational behavior at Grenoble Ecole de Management

She is also an Executive Coach, Occupational Psychologist and Talent Management professional, with over 20 years of experience in multi-national organizations across different industries and in different countries. She holds a Doctorate in Business Administration from Grenoble Ecole de Management, a Master’s degree in Occupational Psychology and is certified in Occupational Testing by the British Psychological Society. She was awarded a Harnisch Grant by the Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital, a Harvard Medical School Affiliate, in support of her research. Her research interests include executive coaching, power dynamics in organizations, and identity regulation in the workplace. She recently published a coaching case study book entitled "Complex Situations in Coaching: A Critical Case-Based Approach."


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