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Snapshot of 2017-2018: Ending the year on a high note with the annual Summer Alumni Networking Days




Your incredible contribution to our flourishing network! The 2017/2018 academic year saw many wonderful encounters and the arrival of the 2017 graduating class into our network...welcome!

Your incredible contribution to our flourishing network! The 2017/2018 academic year saw many wonderful encounters and the arrival of the 2017 graduating class into our network...welcome! 

What a year! The GEM Alumni Relations Team is proud to share this first snapshot with you.

Key Figures 

Our network now includes more than 32,000 alumni, 7,500 of which have chosen English as their preferred language of communication. 
You collectively visited our website more than  46,000 times, and we organized 172 events that 3,661 among you attended.

This was all made possible in large part by our 80 volunteer coordinators around the world who make sure you can get together with GEM Alumni near you! 
A big thank you to our career coaches who provided support, advice, and guidance to more than 700 of your peers. 

You have significantly contributed to bringing our network to life, volunteering more than 630 ½ days at the entrance exam boards (Jurys) and posting over 600 offers on our JobBoard. More than 100 of you met with students during the Career Forum or BootCamps.

Over the course of the year, we posted at least 60 portraits and articles social media that you liked and shared a total of 8,700 times, helping us reach more than 388,000 users... and that doesn't even take into account the 1,4000,000 views that #GEMAlumni accrued the weekend of the Gala, graduation, and GEM of the Year Awards Ceremony back in Janaury 2018. 

The Summer Alumni Networking Days

We met up with many of you on many continents, in countless countries, and 36 cities around the globe. A huge shout out to all of the local chapter coordinators who organized, and all of the alumni who attended! Check out the photo gallery below! 

During our Get in Touch, Stay in Touch Events, lunches & round tables, you got the chance to receive a hard copy of the 5th issue of our GEM Alumni Mag ... and contributed to growing our network! 

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We wish you all a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you again at next year's events! 

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