CANCELED - Berlin - March 31st - GEM Alumni Get-Together

The registration deadline has expired.

In light of the rapidly spreading Covid-19 pandemic, GEM’s crisis unit has made the decision to cancel all GEM events, both on and off campus, until at least April 6, 2020.

In light of the rapidly spreading Covid-19 pandemic, GEM’s crisis unit has made the decision to cancel all GEM events, both on and off campus, until at least April 6, 2020.

We will keep you updated as soon as we have new information about when we can resume normal alumni activities. In the meantime, please take care of yourselves and those close to you. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the GEM Alumni Relations Team. 


Severin Bonnet (GEM PGE 2004), Valentin Bironneau (GEM PGE 2019) and Geoffrey Quinet (PGE PGE 2015) invite you to our next GEM Alumni in Berlin gathering on: 

Tuesday, March 31st 
Café Plume

Warthestraße 60,
12051 Berlin, Germany 
From 7-10pm 

To help us with logistics, please sign up. 
All alumni already have a profile, so please do not create a new one. 
For assistance please contact 

This will be the opportunity to reconnect, share insights about GEM and its Alumni network, and further exchange on your expectations towards our Berlin chapter.
Get-togethers are informal networking events where everyone comes and goes as they wish and pays their own way. 

We hope to see you there! 



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