GEM Alumni in Dublin : team from Grenoble is visiting !

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The GEM Alumni team based in Grenoble visits graduates' communities, on September 7th Lisa Jane Perraud and Isabelle Fitamant [Class ESC 1991] will be in Dublin to exchange with the Alumni on expectations and stakes around their community.

The GEM Alumni team based in Grenoble visits graduates' communities, on September 7th Lisa Jane Perraud and Isabelle Fitamant [Class ESC 1991] will be in Dublin to exchange with the Alumni on expectations and stakes around their community.

After the informal evening in June, organized by Mathias Privat GEM ESC 2010, Dublin welcomes Lisa Jane and Isabelle, comings from Grenoble.

Lisa Jane, (careers service), will draw us a current situation of her work with the main recruiters of the city (RDV planned at Google, LinkedIn, Adroll, Hubspot, Workday, Microsoft and Salesforce). Her objective is to see with you how we can optimize these relations, develop news ways to open job opportunities for GEMiens - your ideas and contacts will be welcome!

Isabelle (GEM Alumni team) will expose you plans and achievements for the construction of our network around the globe.
During the evening she would like to collect your ideas around the stakes for graduates' community abroad: what are your expectations ? How make it live and grow ?

A drawing lots will allow you to win goodies " made in GEM ", of whom a magnificent umbrella: do not forget your business cards!

Reception and exchange: from 7:00 pm

Presentations : 7:30 pm

GEM will buy a round of drinks, for accounting and logistic reasons: get registered!


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