Moscow - January 24th - GEM Alumni Get-Together

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Come join your fellow GEM Alumni in Moscow for an evening of networking and discussion.

Come join your fellow GEM Alumni in Moscow for an evening of networking and discussion.

You are warmly invited to join our winter afterwork get-together event in Moscow on:


Thursday, January 24th, 7:30PM
 Большой Путинковский переулок, дом 5
[метро Тверская]

To help us with logistics, please register. 
All alumni already have a profile so please do not create a new one. 
For assistance please contact 

The principle of the afterwork get-togethers is simple: everyone pays for their own food and drink, and comes and goes as they wish.

Your GEM Alumni in Moscow coordinator, Maria Antonova, GEM MBA 2016, will be there to welcome you.  


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