Ottawa - June 27th - Summer Alumni Networking Day

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Each year throughout the month of June, the volunteer coordinators of our worldwide GEM Alumni chapters organize a series of events all over the globe!

Each year throughout the month of June, the volunteer coordinators of our worldwide GEM Alumni chapters organize a series of events all over the globe!

GEM Alumni in Ottawa invites you to join them for an afterwork on:

Thursday, June 27th
297 Dalhousie St
Ottawa, ON K1N 7E5


To help us with logistics, please sign up by clicking on the orange sign-up button on the top right hand side of this page.
All alumni already have a profile, so please do not create a new one. 
For assistance please contact 

The idea behind these events is simple: everyone pays for their own food and drink, and comes and goes as they wish. 

Perrine Charmetant, GEM ESC 2006 , coordinator of GEM Alumni in Ottawa, will be there to welcome you. 

Don't miss this great opportunity to benefit from GEM's amazing community, both professionally and otherwise.

We look forward to having a great 2019 with even more networking opportunities and more involvement by prominent GEM Alumni.

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