San Francisco - January 15th - GEM Alumni Get-Together

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Several new GEM Alumni have recently moved to the Bay area. We would like to give them a warm welcome!

Several new GEM Alumni have recently moved to the Bay area. We would like to give them a warm welcome!

As such, Alessio Tresanti, GEM MSc 2019, & Mélanie Moreno, GEM PGE 2015, invite you to join them for a get-together on: 

Wednesday, January 15th
 Mind The Bridge
450 Townsend Street,
San Francisco, CA 94107

To help us with logistics, please sign up. 
All alumni already have a profile, so please do not create a new one. 
For assistance please contact 


Don't miss this great opportunity to benefit from GEM's amazing community, both professionally and otherwise.
We look forward to having a great year with even more networking opportunities and more involvement by prominent GEM Alumni in the Bay area.

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