Young Grads Career Bootcamp - Grenoble

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2 special days to boost your career start: advice, interviews, conferences and workshops, networking, tools, resources, and current trends.

2 special days to boost your career start: advice, interviews, conferences and workshops, networking, tools, resources, and current trends.

Freshly graduated and looking for a job ?

Take advantage of these 2 intensive bootcamp days to maximise your job search with workshops, conferences, individual and mock job interviews, targeted advice, as well as loads of tools and resources and a team of experienced career coaches and recruitment experts gathered in Paris for you. Two days to build trust, establish new contacts, meet other GEM young grads and senior alumni, learn about current job search techniques and market tendencies. You just can't miss this opportunity...
Here is a quick view of the programme:

Monday April 25

10:00-11:30 - Tools & Resources for an efficient job search, in the visible & hidden market!

11:30-13:00 - Social networking and job search: how to make the most of it

13:00-14:00 - Lunch break (you do what you want)

14:00-15:30 - Your professional project : become yourself and succeed !

14:00-18:00 - Individual appointments (Resume + Cover letter + goal definition, etc.)

18:00-19:30 - Recruiting agencies: useful or not? (NB: will be held in French)

Tuesday April 26

09:30-11:00 - Boost and enhance your career with an experience abroad

11:00-12:30 - Effective Networking Skills: Making your 30-sec Pitch Stick

12:30-13:30 - Lunch break (you do what you want)

13:30-15:00 - Interview techniques and salary negotiations

13:30-18:00 - Mock interviews & Individual appointments

19:00-21:00 - Networking evening with other GEM Alumni

Download the full programme

Registration deadline : until April 14th midnight.

This event is free, and is open to GEM Alumni of 2014 and 2015's academic promotions who are currently looking for a job.

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