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Achievement unlocked: 3,000 active users on our new platform!






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The new GEM Alumni platform was launched in June, and by the end of July we had already reached our first milestone : 1,000 graduates had logged on to activate their profile. Three months after its launch, level 2 has been attained: 3,000 graduates! The next feat : 10,000 profiles activated. 

Now we need YOU to help us reach the next level !  

Tell your peers about some of our new and improved key features, including: 

  • Verified users: no imposters here! Anyone with an account is a GEM alumni, current student, or staff member. 
  • Advanced privacy settings: control which information you display to each user segment. (For example, you can choose to share your email address with alumni but not students). 
  • Centralized groups: Join groups based on geography, sector, or program of study! You can join as many as you’d like. 
  • Global agenda: see what events are going on all around the world. Use their ideas as inspiration for your own, or attend if you happen to be travelling. 

… and many more! Come see for yourself! 

Log on to my profile

Several developments are in store for the 2020 academic year including a mentoring platform and a job offer thread dedicated solely to job offers for GEM graduates. 

In the meantime, enjoy catching up on our network's news, browsing through an issue of the GEM Alumni Mag, or learning about our history. Stay tuned and see you soon on the network!

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