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Paris - VivaTech 2019 - Vous y serez ? Dites-le nous !




VivaTech is a convention for startups and leaders to celebrate innovation. This gathering of the world’s brightest minds, talents, and products will take place in Paris from May 16-18, 2019.

VivaTech is a convention for startups and leaders to celebrate innovation. This gathering of the world’s brightest minds, talents, and products will take place in Paris from May 16-18, 2019.

Grenoble Ecole de Management takes this opportunity to share and exchange

GEM will present its courses and talents in the fields of Management of Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship:

  • Our serious games dedicated to innovation,
  • Our student and alumni entrepreneurs,
  • Our Edtechs’ incubator,
  • Our selection of training and services centered around  innovation and entrepreneurship,
  • The expertise of our professors.

Are you a GEM Alumni? 

Planning to represent your firm: We would be happy to visit you, and even include your booth as part of our GEM VIP Tour.  Please join our LinkedIn group GEM Alumni in Vivatech 2019 

Planning to visit: Let us know if you would be interested in purchasing a group discounted ticket.
Price :  192 euros - Only 20 pass will be available.
Click HERE to order your passes, it will be sent to you by email by the end of April.

GEM Alumni Entrepreneurs: We are organizing an event on May 16th from 7pm (Porte de Versailles area). The first round of drinks will be on us, please contact Eline if you'd like to be involved.


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