Berlin - June 13th - Summer Alumni Networking Day

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Summer is fast approaching! What better way to celebrate than to get together with your fellow GEM Alumni!

Summer is fast approaching! What better way to celebrate than to get together with your fellow GEM Alumni!

Each year throughout the month of June, the volunteer coordinators of our worldwide GEM Alumni chapters organize a series of events all over the globe! 

Phil Eyre, GEM MBA Program Director, and the current students of the MBA Grenoble cohort will be visiting Berlin for their end-of -the- year study trip, and we thought our local alumni would appreciate giving them a warm welcome to the city. 

Please join us for a cocktail on:

Thursday, June 13th

14a Müller-Breslau-Straße
10623 Berlin / Charlottenburg
from 18:30 

To help us with logistics, please sign up ... the first drink is on us! 
All alumni already have a profile, so please do not create a new one. 
For assistance please contact 

Chelsea Choppy, GEM Alumni Relations Officer, will be there to welcome you. 

Don't miss this opportunity to mentor students, socialize with your fellow alumni, and maybe even meet your future colleagues! 

We hope to see you there!



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