Career Booster Workshops - Paris (information session)

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Land your job with the Career Booster workshops dedicated to GEM Alumni.

For all alumni (freshly graduated, experimented, mid-senior or senior) looking for a job or for a career transition, the program consists in 6 group sessions (in the course of 3 months) with one overall objective: land your job!

The groups are led by professional career coachs who are also GEM alumni (Cora Sibel, GEM ESC 94 and Caroline Blazy, GEM ESC 98). Best job search practices and tools will be shared in order to help each individual reach his/her professional career goal.

Rate: 90 euros VAT included, for all sessions  

  • 6 days of meetings
  • a cycle starts every quarter
  • targeted at alumni who are on the job market, unemployed or actively seeking a change of job

This information session is the opportunity for you to know more about the workshops programme (Dates for the workshops in Paris haven't been delivered yet).

For more information, please contact

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