GEM Alumni and Students MBA

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Come and inspire the MBA students and network with your fellow MBA alumni.

Come and inspire the MBA students and network with your fellow MBA alumni.

MBA Alumni are invited to our 2016 GEM Alumni and Students MBA in Grenoble. Some surprises are on their way around our traditional Wine and Cheese afterwork…



Share your valuable knowledge with professionals and students. Make a positive impact. Inspire and be inspired by the passionate and highly ambitious audience.




Network with Alumni, MBAs, Professionals and Professors.
Share your ideas and expertise. Meet top motivated Talents from multinational backgrounds.



Contribute to a wealth of knowledge and expand your professional, academic curiosity. Be part of a Q&A session about Entrepreneurship.


Please get registered, it will help us to get organized.

Looking forward to meet you there,
Phil Eyre, MBA Program Director Martin AMSTALDEN,
Allen BARRAK, Kavita GAGLANI, Students GEM MBA 2016

(Use the orange button at the top right hand side of this page).

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