GEM Alumni - MSc BD & ISE Conference and Holiday Party

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It’s the holiday season: join Grenoble Ecole de Management's BD & ISE Alumni Network for their first major event in Paris and worldwide to meet your fellow alumni and get involved in the community!

It’s the holiday season: join the GEM BD & ISE Alumni Network for their first major event in Paris and worldwide to meet your fellow alumni and get involved in the community!

GEM's global alumni network acts as a bridge between the institution, current students, and alumni. There are already more than 40 existing alumni communities around the world, and it is my privilege to welcome you all to be part of the GEM Alumni BD & ISE community! 

To kick-off this new community, Sophie Dartois GEM MSc 2015 - ESC 2014, invites you to attend a holiday party complete with lecture 

at GEM's Paris Campus 
7pm on Friday, December 9th 

Product owners, Scrum masters, Growth Hackers…in a period of digital boom, both start-ups and large companies are looking for people with skills in business & technology. Paul Depré, GEM ESC 2006,  and Hubert Kratiroff will share their insights on

Following the lecture, join us for a holiday dinner and party!

We will also be remotely connected to our fellow BD/ISE Alumni in Frankfurt, Sao Paulo and Beirut!
(international gathering locations will be announced soon)

At the event, attendees will receive a hard copy of the newest edition of the GEM Alumni Magazine!    
If you haven't yet read the first edition, you can view it here!!

Please join our LinkedIn and Facebook groups to stay in touch and visit our newly created page on GEM's alumni website to ensure you don’t miss out on any of our future events!

We look forward to celebrating with you before a new year begins!

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