San Francisco - March 5th - Alumni & Student Networking Event

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GEM's MSc Innovation, Strategy & Entrepreneurship class is visiting the Bay Area! Who better to give them a warm welcome to the city than our local GEM Alumni?

GEM's MSc Innovation, Strategy & Entrepreneurship class is visiting the Bay Area! Who better to give them a warm welcome to the city than our local GEM Alumni?

They would love to hear about your experience post GEM, any tips and tricks you can share about internship/job hunting, life in San Francisco, and more! Your presence means a lot to us, so please don't miss this opportunity to mentor the current MSc ISE students, socialize with your fellow alumni, and maybe even find your next intern!

They will be accompanied byJean-Paul Aussel, GEM Program Director, Rikke Smedebol, Project Manager Employability & educational engineering Disability & Diversity Referent, and Caroline Furtunato, International Programs Coordinator.

Join them for a casual evening of cocktails, conversation, and GRAFFITI (old clothing is advised for this activity) on: 

Thursday, March 5th
1000 Howard St, San Francisco
CA 94103, USA
7PM – 10PM

To help us with logistics, please register. the first round of drinks is on us! 
All alumni already have a profile so please do not create a new one. 
For assistance please contact

They would love to hear about your experience post GEM, any tips and tricks you can share about internship/job hunting, life in San Francisco, and more!

Your presence means a lot to us, so please don't miss this opportunity to mentor the current MSc ISE students, socialize with your fellow alumni, and maybe even find your next intern!

Lastly, the class is looking to visit companies during their visit. Please contact Jacopo Dell’Osbel for further details, if this can be arranged with your organization.

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Événement GEM
Diffusé sur : San Francisco
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