• Groupe par validation

Save the date MBA LONDON mixer!!

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Hello everyone!

As promised, we are launching an event - MBA alumni mixer in London, so save the date! If you are in town, please sign up. I don't have a venue as of yet, open to suggestions (please as a non-local!) Feel free to reach out via email chahndra.dal-pont@grenoble-em.com with any suggestions. Is 6PM early or late? Do you feel we need a round table or can we just 'get on with it' this time and consider round table next time?

And again, if anyone missed it, still looking for speakers for our webinars (see posts)!

This year's students will do a bit of a reachout to confirm email addresses and connectivity to the platform - which is not easier than previously and includes autofill of your experience via LinkedIn.

Please share the news if you have MBA alumni in the area - love to see you there! 

The success of this event will let us know if this is something we should put in place, so please help me make it a success.


(Mini-Paris mixer, below)

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Get Together
Diffusé sur : London, MBA FT 2018
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