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4th GEM Alumni Five-Year Survey




Every 5 years since 2006, GEM graduates are surveyed on their expectations and the state of their relationship with the school. 

The next edition will be sent on November 21, 2022 to all graduates with a valid email address in the GEM Alumni directory.

Every answer counts

The survey helps us to define the priorities in the actions carried out by GEM towards its graduates.

The objective is to draw a global picture of your situation, to understand your expectations and the stakes of your relationship with the school and with the GEM Alumni network.  

We analyze a set of "Net Promoter Scores" and the main trends of your feelings about GEM's main themes: 

  • Management of Technology and Innovation
  • Commitment to Learning/Internship

The analysis of the results provides a basis for decision-making in order to implement the best solutions to defend the GEM brand and therefore the value of your degrees, optimize our actions to support GEM and animate the GEM Alumni network.

Exclusively for the respondents

To thank you, the first 1,000 respondents will be invited to a VIP visit, in preview of the GEM Virtual Campus!

Key dates :

Until November 14: campaign to update directory profiles..

  • Week of November 14: extraction of directory data to avoid entering information that you have already given us and data on your academic background (degree obtained, year of promotion, etc.) 
  • November 21st: launch of the survey, each graduate receives the survey via a unique link on his usual email address given in the GEM Alumni directory. 

  • December 11: closing of the survey

  • January 2023: publication of the first results.

More than 2,500 respondents in 2016: we are counting on you this year!

To be sure to receive your personalized questionnaire:

 I check my usual email address

The results of the last  edition (NA in english) GEM_Rapport_Etude_Quinquennale_2016-simplifié.pdf

Do you have any questions?  

Contact GEM Alumni Relations :


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