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CYBER SECURITY : "The end of Internet ? Instructions"




Yannick Chatelain, GEM PGE 1994 and Head of the IT and Digital Marketing Development at Grenoble Ecole de Management will share his expertise during the GEM Alumni Convention 2019

* This conference will be presented in French

" "Splinternet", the balkanization of cyberspace is an increasing phenomenon. The fragmentation of the Internet, under the influence of technological and political factors that threaten to shatter it along geopolitical boundaries, has begun. From China, which erected a "Great Firewall", going through Pakistan that has blocked whole swathes of the web accused of being contrary to Islamic laws and Iran which has already begun to ostracize their "National Internet" to isolate it from the Global Internet, it is essential to consider the announced death of the Internet by a fragmentation of its communities.

Source : Bienvenue dans l’ère du « PoutInternet » , Yannick Chatelain in The Conversation 

Yannick Chatelain, GEM PGE 1994, Professor and Head of the IT and Digital Marketing Development at Grenoble Ecole de Management
Yannick Chatelain is an Associate Professor at Grenoble Ecole de Management and an Alumnus from GEM PGE 1994. He holds a DBA from the University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. His research focuses on the Internet, Social Control, societal counter-organization and freedom of expression, he is an expert in Digital, specialized in Hacking and Hacker community he is also an Expert at UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) in the framework of the E4J program: The First Expert Group Meeting to Peer-Review the E4J University Module Series on Cybercrime. He is the author of numerous books on digital marketing, hacking and cybercrime. Next publication : " Chroniques du Technomonde, les évolutions récentes d'Internet, pour le meilleur et pour le pire" from the Editions Maxima Laurent du Mesniln.


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