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ENERGY : "A new subject of interest for consumers ?"




Clément Le Roy, Senior Manager, Practice Energy & Utilities at Wavestone et Carine Sebi, Coordinator of the Chaire Energy for Society at Grenoble Ecole de Management will share their expertise with you during the GEM Alumni Convention 2019 ...

*This conference will be presented in French

For more than 10 years now, Electricity and Gaz markets are open to competition. While still recently, French people were unaware that it was possible to change suppliers and still  and was still confusing EDF by ENEDIS, they are increasingly understanding energy issues, due to rising prices and environmental awareness.

Clément Le Roy, Senior Manager in charge of Energy & Utilities Activities at Wavestone, will present the consequences of the consequences of the acceleration of the energy transition and the development of competition on consumer behavior. In a context of Energetic transitionn citizens then become consum'actors, in particular via their (financial) participation in citizen energetic communities. 

Carine Sebi, Professor and Coordinator of the Energy for Society Chaire at Grenoble Ecole de Management, will pursue by showcasing the promises and the weaknesses of this citizen movement in the energy sector.


Program and registration 



Clément LE ROY, Senior Manager, Board member of the Energy, Utilities and Transport Practice at  Wavestone, one of the most important team with more than 250 consultants
He graduated from the Ecole Centrale of Nantes and completed his training with a Masters in Strategy at ESSEC.
With a dual technological and sectorial competence in Energy and Environment, he has been working with major energy companies since 2005 in their transformation towards a more sustainable energy system, more local and more digital. He also supports local communities in their approach with energy (Lyon, PACA, Bretagne, …) as well as institutions such as the Commission de Régulation de l'Energie, ADEME...

Carine Sebi, Professor and Coordinator of the Energy for Society Chaire at Grenoble Ecole de Management.
She is a member of GEM's Research Team in Management and Marketing as an Economist. She is in charge of coordinating relations and projects between GEM researchers and actors (public and private) in the energy sector. She is also the Director of GEM's Chaire Energy for Society de GEM. Her research focuses on monitoring and evaluating energy efficiency, energy communities, and synergies between gas and electricity networks.
Carine holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Grenoble University (2008) and a Master in Environmental Economics and Statistics Toulouse School of Economics (2005). Before her career at GEM, she was project manager at Enerdata and was involved in several European and international projects related to the evaluation of public policies in energy efficiency.


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