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Maël Razavet to present Skilters at GEM's Vivatech booth




GEM was founded as a Management School for Technology and Innovation. Today, as a Business lab for society, we couldn’t pass up the chance to participate in Europe’s biggest Innovation and Entrepreneurship event.

GEM was founded as a Management School for Technology and Innovation. Today, as a Business lab for society, we couldn’t pass up the chance to participate in Europe’s biggest Innovation and Entrepreneurship event.

GEM will present its courses and talents in the fields of Management of Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, among them some of our very own students and alumni…

Meet Maël Razavet, GEM ESC 2014, and CTO & Co-founder of Skilters:

Skilters is the first SaaS marketplace powered by Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain allowing recruiters to optimise and accelerate the identification and search of candidates based on their specific needs through proprietary algorithms and a team specialised in recruitment.


Mael Razavet GEM ESC 2014 - CTO & Co-founder
"During my free time, I am learning a few new technologies which will help me being successfull during my missions.
- Concerning the Big Data domain, I have experience in Apache Spark /Scala / Cassandra / Kafka / Play / Python / Elasticsearch / Scrapy / Machine Learning
- I believe I've learnt how to setup using Webpack ReactJS / React Native projects along with React-Router and Redux in ES6 using the AirBnb code conventions concerning Front-End technologies.
- Material UI design framework"

9 startups presented by GEM

  •     Andyamo: Tourist activity generator and pedestrian GPS for people with limited mobility
  •     Azmed: software that detects and locates bone lesions on fractures 
  •     Neojobs : Branding and recruitment game for companies; evaluation and brand analysis tool 
  •     New body technology: e-health application that evaluates posture and follows up anytime, anywhere 
  •     Odonatech: Gamified profiling applications for financial advisors  
  •     Place: Application about various types of events available in Paris (political, economic, social)  
  •     Pulse Origin : Universal wireless projection solution for meeting and training rooms
  •     Skilters: Recruitment platform that cuts out the time-consuming part of the process 
  •     Dark Sky Map:  Application that makes astronomy accessible to all and spreads awareness about light pollution


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