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Margaux Raab and Hugo Avale will officially introduce Niaouli at GEM's booth at Vivatech 2019




GEM was founded as a Management School for Technology and Innovation. Today, as a Business lab for society, we couldn’t pass up the chance to participate in Europe’s biggest Innovation and Entrepreneurship event.

GEM was founded as a Management School for Technology and Innovation. Today, as a Business lab for society, we couldn’t pass up the chance to participate in Europe’s biggest Innovation and Entrepreneurship event.

GEM will present its courses and talents in the fields of Management of Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, among them some of our very own students and alumni…

Meet Margaux Raab, GEM MS 2014 - MSE 2013, and Hugo Avale, GEM MSE 2013, cofounders of neojobs.

The Company 

Neojobs is an employer brand consulting agency, specialized in gamification. We help our clients to attract the right talents, hire them and retain them. For those focus points, we innovate everyday by creating gamified and customized solutions.


The Application 

Niaouli is a digital tool to evaluate, analyze and monitor the employer brand. It combines external and internal data to generate practical KPIs, identifies shortcomings and benchmarks it with the sector. It is the Google Analytics of the Employer Brand.


Why are they at Vivatech? 

Their goal at Vivatech is to show that it’s possible to make human resources fun! It’s also an opportunity for them to officially present Niaouli in France and to revolutionize the employer brand image.

Wanna come to Vivatech? 

All GEM Alumni have access to reduced rates ! 

See prices and buy your ticket 

Margaux Raab GEM MS 2014 - MSE 2013
“Just as imagination created the world, it so governs it,” Charles Baudelaire.
I could spend hours trying to explain why I chose this quote and never succeed in getting my point across, so I’ll leave it to Einstein: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."
Hugo Avale MSE 2013

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
For me, this is the foundation of a company. This African proverb represents everything I love about my career and the adventure that is neojobs. It is primarly a human adventure, an experience that we are living together with our committed collaborators and our passionate clients!

The 9 startups presented by GEM

  • Andyamo: Tourist activity generator and pedestrian GPS for people with limited mobility
  • Azmed: software that detects and locates bone lesions on fractures  
  • Neojobs: Branding and recruitment game for companies; evaluation and brand analysis tool 
  • New body technology:  e-health application that evaluates posture and follows up anytime, anywhere 
  • Odonatech: Gamified profiling applications for financial advisors  
  • Place: Application about various types of events available in Paris (political, economic, social)  
  • Pulse Origin: Universal wireless projection solution for meeting and training rooms  
  • Skilters: Recruitment platform that cuts out the time-consuming part of the process 
  • Dark Sky Map: Application that makes astronomy accessible to all and spreads awareness about light pollution 


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