The "GEM of the Year 2022" awards attributed by the GEM Alumni Network
For the twelfth consecutive year, these distinctions are awarded to those of us who, through their professional activities, have helped to highlight our values, the image of our school and our network.
2022 GEM Start-up of the Year
RESURRECTION is a pioneer in food upcycling, co-founded and directed by Marie Kerouedan, GEM PGE 2002, receives the GEM Start-up of the Year 2022 Award.
2022 GEM Entrepreneur of the Year
Adrien Châtillon, GEM MIB 2013, Cofounder and CEO of Actipulse Neuroscience, receives the GEM Entrepreneur of the year award for the creation of its pioneering neurotechnology company.
2022 GEM Athlete of the Year
2022 GEM Commitment of the Year
Geoffroy Schmitt, GEM PGE 1992, receives the GEM Commitment of the year award, for his role and commitment alongside GEM students.
2022 GEM of the Year
Shweta Berry, GEM Alumni New Delhi coordinator, receives the GEM of the year 2022 Award, for her unfailing involvement in the #GEMAlumni network, and her contribution to increasing the visibility of Grenoble Ecole de Management on the social media!

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